die 60er Jahre - Alltag in West-Berlin (the Sixties - daily grind in West-Berlin)
Flower-Power, Mondlandung, Mini-Rock, Bikini, die Beatles, Raumschiff Enterprise, blowin’ in the wind, Rudi Dutschke, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Kennedy, Kiesinger, Martin Luther King, Andy Warhol, Cassius Clay, Pelé, Skateboarden, Walt Disney, Aufklärungsfilme... reicht das?
Flower-Power, moon landing, mini-skirts, bikini, the Beatles, spaceship Enterprise, blowin’ in the wind, Rudi Dutschke, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, Kennedy, Kiesinger, Martin Luther King, Andy Warhol, Cassius Clay, Pelé, skateboarding, Walt Disney, educational films... is that enough?